Frequently asked questions

  • 1- How many citations can I order?

    Using CitePal services to increase your citations, you can order as many citations as you need; our service is unlimited. You have to browse our packages and choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • 2- What is the exact time needed to receive the ordered citations from CitePal?

    It depends on the package you order. If you order the Golden package, you will receive them as soon as possible, while more time is needed if you choose the Bronze package. However, all ordered citations will be delivered within 60 days at the maximum. Golden package has a delivery time of less than 30 days. Therefore, you can order and receive citations on your Google Scholar profile within 30 days.

  • 3- Which articles will cite me?

    Using our services, you will receive citations from papers published in Thomson Reuters (ISI-indexed) journals. All of them have proper Impact Factor and are among prestigious journals. This is the advantage point of our services; you will not receive citations from fake or low-reputed journals. This quality is our red line in CitePal services.

  • 4- Why the total number of citations is important?

    The citations are proof of the depth and breadth (key academic words) of academic papers and that the research has been conducted. Ergo, the paper does have validity, and the author is credible. When your work is under attention, it will be read and cited more, giving you a reputation. In this regard, the higher number of citations reflects the quality of the researcher.

  • 5- How can I become a highly-cited researcher?

    For some researchers, publishing their results is the last step, albeit it should be the first step!
    After publishing your work, you should work on enhancing its visibility so that it can be read more and cited more. Then, it would be possible to have highly cited papers. CitePal will help you enhance the visibility of your work and increase your citations rapidly.

  • 6- Is there any guarantee on the number of citations I order using CitePal?

    You will receive the total number of citations you ordered according to your selected package. CitePal offers a 100% money-back guarantee on each citation you order.

  • 7- In which scientific field can I order citations from CitePal?

    There is no limitation, and you can order citations from CitePal for any field of science that you are working on.

  • 8- Can I combine orders between my colleagues and ask for a Golden package?

    Yes sure. For example, if you are three researchers and each of you is looking for 20 citations, you can combine your order and ask for a Golden Package, which is cheaper and faster.